A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Learning the Piano!

It doesn't matter if you are old, young or somewhere in the middle. It doesn't matter if you're playing on a grand piano from the living room, or on a 60 key electric keyboard in the bedroom. You will have the logical, scientifically proven approach to learning piano in 30 days, thanks to the revolutionary Lateral Associative Learning model incorporated on each of our video lessons. (Same technique used in million dollar learning programs to learn a new language quickly!)

Whether you're a beginner looking to get some beautiful melodies singing from your fingers, or you're an intermediate who wants to get back into the swing after many years, this interactive, video based training program will have the lessons you need to take your piano skills to whatever level you desire.

Our promise is that you'll be playing at least ONE of your favorite songs on piano within 30 days.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

How can I learn piano fast?

I want to learn the piano or keyboard but more keyboard but its too hard for me i try my best but i really need help any options or any website or something please help thanks:)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Lessons more often than once a week are rarely beneficial. Most teachers have designed there lessons around once a week. Make sure the teacher has taught two times a week before you sign up.
Study what the teacher assigns and stay off the internet. The teacher is the Master and you can only serve one Master.

Have you thought of looking for online piano lessons? This is another option as you can learn at your own speed and when you have time available. If you decide to look into this more I would recommend checking out Robin Hall's course which is designed to get you sounding good fast as you were after: http://www.pianoforall.info

All the best with your practicing :) Remember it doesn't need to be rushed, do it right and you will enjoy playing for life.

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